We all know that taking better care ourselves also leads to feeling—and looking—better. But, when our days (and lives) get hectic, it’s easy to let self-care slide. So, to slow the downward spiral, try incorporating some simple TLC into your everyday activities (e.g. while you shower or walk the dog) so you can get through your to-do list and your “you” list. Here, some easy suggestions to get you started:
Soften your hands and feet while you sleep
When the season’s change, our hands get especially susceptible to dryness and cracking from the weather - and the endless ways we use them. Slather a rich, moisturizing lotion on your feet and hands, then slide on cotton socks and gloves, respectively. Leave on overnight and wake to baby-soft skin. Try Neolastin Nourish & Restore Anti-Aging Hand Treatment.
De-puff during an A.M. audio call
Working from home? Use a dermaroller to boost circulation—and encourage lymphatic drainage—in your face while you converse with a client or colleague. Roll away from the center of the face to your lymphatic points. Try the small end for under and around your eyes, use the larger end for your face and neck. Try Neolastin Rejuenate & Restore Beauty Tool.
Give yourself a breast exam in the shower
Many women find it easiest to examine their breasts for unusual bumps or lumps when their skin is wet and slippery. So, while you’re showering, set aside a few minutes to check (and feel) things out. Gently pressing down with your fingertips, move in a circular motion, covering each breast from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen and then from your armpit to your cleavage. Repeat three to four times a year.
Whiten your teeth while you walk the dog
Taking the dog out can be a productive break for you too: Just put on a set of whitening strips, slip on your sneakers, turn on a true-crime podcast—and head on out. That’s 30+ minutes of fresh air, exercise - and brighter, whiter teeth!
Brainstorm while you bathe
Never feel like you have the time to just think? Schedule a fifteen-minute bath several times a week and let your mind wander while you soak. Bonus: Take a bath right before bed and you’ll sleep better too.
Journal with your cup of joe
Take five minutes for yourself while you sip that first mug of coffee: Write creatively, add to your gratitude list, Wordle, or chip away at a crossword puzzle. Just choose something that’s fun, restorative and isn’t work.
Talk to Siri during your skincare regimen
Dictate your to-do list for tomorrow as you cleanse at day’s end. Then put that list away until the morning and find something soothing to do before bed, like the aforementioned bath, read, stretch, or meditate.
Apply polish in the pickup line
Got to school a bit early? Give your nails a touchup while you wait for the kids to emerge. (The drive home should give them plenty of time to dry. And keeping your hands in one place will help keep them smudge-free.)
Meditate and do an eye massage
Slather on eye cream in the evening, then clear your mind as you softly knead, or rub in circles, with your fingertips, covering your temples, brow bones, between your eyes, and the top of your cheeks. Try Neolastin Revitalize & Firm Eye Cream.
Condition while you, well, condition
Make the most of your time on the treadmill or bike by deep conditioning your strands while you run or pedal. Slick the conditioner through damp hair and secure with an elastic in a bun—then wash out when you wash up afterward.
Help Another Woman in Need
Sometimes self-care means simply doing something that can help another person out. It’s the act of kindness that’s good for them, and good for your soul. Donate to a local charity, volunteer an hour of your time, or just spend a moment listening to someone who could use a friend.